Südtirol GuestPass

For a relaxed stay in South Tyrol with numerous options

Im Oberdorner Algund erhalten Sie den Südtirol Guest Pass kostenlos.

At your arrival at the Oberdorner a superb gift is waiting for you: the valuable Südtirol GuestPass is for free!

This guest card allows you to use all public transport free of charge during your stay and offers additional benefits. Experience an unforgettable time in South Tyrol and explore its cultural sights and scenic highlights. Make your vacation car-free and unforgettable!

Den kostenlosen Südtirol Guest Pass entwerten
Zwei Personen warten auf den Bus nach Kurzras im Schnalstal
oberdorner ferienwohnungen suedtirol algund guest pass zug IDM

Experience our nature and explore idyllic places...

We look forward to your visit!

Oberdorner Algund Ferienwohnung Panorama Landschaft TVA c Frieder Blickle